NAVBO Sponsored Trainee Travel Awards to Vascular Biology Related Gordon Research Conferences
Applications are due to NAVBO by:
May 25, 2025 - Atherosclerosis - Genetics, Pathophysiology, and Translation (June 22-27, 2025 in Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain) For information about this meeting, visit the web site (https://www.grc.org/atherosclerosis-conference/2025/)
June 29, 2025 - Angiogenesis and Social Interactions with Neighboring Cells and Tissues in Health and Disease (July 27-August 1, 2025 in Newport, RI) For information about this meeting, visit the web site (https://www.grc.org/angiogenesis-conference/2025/)
NAVBO has allocated funds to provide travel awards for trainees (graduate student, post-doctoral fellows or equivalent) to attend the GRCs indicated above. The award recipients will be chosen by the chairs of the Conference.
For more information about the meetings visit https://www.navbo.org/trainee-awards/ and click on the "Travel Awards - Other" tab.
Please be sure to have all the necessary items before beginning this form. You are not able to save the form and return later.
- Applicant must submit an abstract to one of the named conferences by its application deadline date.
- Applicant and the applicant's PI (i.e., senior/corresponding author on the abstract) must be current NAVBO members in good standing (membership dues paid through June 30, 2025 or later).
- Submit the application below including the following:
- verification that you are attending this meeting
- name and email of your PI (who must be the senior author on the abstract and a NAVBO member)
- letter from your PI/supervisor attesting to your work on the research described in the abstract and your current status (pdf)
- copy of the abstract submitted to the GRC (pdf).
- current CV
Please note, this does not replace your abstract submission to the GRC.