Session Proposal for Online Symposium

NAVBO Regular Members are invited to submit a proposal for consideration as an Online Symposium. Our goals in this regard are two-fold: to bring additional, timely and member-initiated topics to the vascular biology community and to promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

Symposia are held on the third Tuesday of the month (except October) from 1:00-2:30pmET with usually three speakers, each giving a 20-minute presentation followed by a Q&A. It is very important that the speakers represent the diverse vascular biology community.  Speakers do not need to be NAVBO members.  

Criteria: The symposium organizer must be a Regular Member of NAVBO in good standing and complete this form.  

Proposals from members will be considered for presentation commencing in June 2024.  Please choose a date that is at least two months away.

*You cannot save this form and return to it at a later time, so be ready to complete it.

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Personal Contact Information

Session Proposal

Please limit your response to 1,500 characters.

Provide a few sentences about the target audience (those working on a certain condition or disease, fields of study other than vascular biology) that would be most interested in this session.

NAVBO Online Symposia are held the third Tuesday of the month from 1:00 to 2:30pmET. Please indicate dates you are available for in 2024. We will try to honor these requests, but cannot guarantee. Please note - there will be no online events in October due to NAVBO's Annual Meeting - Vascular Biology.

NAVBO Online Symposia take place on the third Tuesday of the month from 1:00-2:30pmET.  Presenters and organizers are asked to log in 30 minutes prior to the session to check mics, web cams and screen sharing.  You'll be required to block out this two-hour time frame.

Feel free to select multiple choices.  The committee will review submissions and schedule these sessions based on organizers' availability.

July 22, 2025
September 23, 2025
November 25, 2025
January 27, 2026
March 24, 2026
Suggested Speakers
Be sure to consider diversity, equity and inclusion when assembling your speaker roster. We ask you to suggest up to five speaker, but not all will participate. Most symposium will include three speakers. Include name, affiliation, email and 1-2 recent citations

Please provide links to one or two citations.  Separate the links with a semi-colon.  

Seeking funding for our online offerings is extremely important to the health of the society. If your session focuses on a specific disease, is there a pharmaceutical or biotech company that has a vested interest in that disease? Consider the equipment, software and consumables that you use in your lab - perhaps the manufacturer of your imaging device would be a sponsor. Also, consider publishers of your recent papers.

Please list any potential sources of funding (biotech companies, foundations, pharmaceutical companies, etc.) that could be approached to ask for support of this session. If you have a contact name, please provide it here.  A NAVBO staff person will reach out to them and work with you to obtain sponsorship. Often we request only $500 to support an online symposium.  Thank you for any assistance in this regard.