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May 2024

Vasculata 2024 - May 15 Deadlines!!

Vasculata 2024 - July 22-25, 2024 at Stanford University

See the full program on the web site - 

Each day will cover a main theme - 

Monday, July 22: Basic Vascular Biology and Recent Innovations
Tuesday, July 23: Vascular Diseases and Disease Models
Wednesday, July 24: From Biology to Therapy (Translational Research)

Thursday, July 25: Turning Promising Research Ideas into Clinical Applications

Scholarship applications are due May 15!

Abstracts due May 15!

Early bird registration discount ends May 31!

Click on the button below for more information and to apply.


NAVBO Committees Seeking Volunteers

Are you passionate about the vascular biology community and looking for ways to make a meaningful impact? We are excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for committee volunteers, and we invite you to apply! Applications are due May 15, 2024.  

Whether you're brand-new to NAVBO or a long-time member, we're looking for volunteers to serve on our Communications, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Education and Membership Committees..

Volunteering for a committee is a rewarding experience that allows you to contribute your skills, ideas, and expertise to important initiatives. It's also a fantastic opportunity to network with other NAVBO members and grow both personally and professionally.


Communications Committee – is responsible for our broad communications to the public.  This includes our newsletter, web site and social media platforms.  We are also currently working on NAVBO’s Wikipedia page.  If you are active on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, etc. consider joining this team.  


The Communications Committee is seeking any NAVBO members at any stage in their career who are interested in promoting NAVBO and its activities. 


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee – hosts bimonthly online Round Tables and Seminars on DEI Issues and will offer in person workshops at the annual meeting.  The committee is active on social media. 

Education Committee has a three-fold mission: continuing education for our members, educational outreach for the community at large, and career development for those in the vascular biology community. Our activities include organizing webinars, journal clubs and career development forums, developing a curated list of fundamental papers, maintaining a training grant directory and more!

The Education Committee is seeking NAVBO members at any stage in their career who are interested in contributing to their mission. 


Membership Committee – is responsible for retention of members, establishing and maintaining certain member benefits, and reaching to possible new members with our Trial Membership Program. Helping to retain members often means engaging with new members to establish their relationship with the society.  


The Membership Committee is seeking NAVBO members in any stage of their career who are interested in building relationships and community with new members. 


Please note: Membership in a committee is limited to active NAVBO members. 

Apply by May 15, 2024

Seeking Reviewers for CSR

Help us suggest reviewers for your grants!


NAVBO is once again collaborating with the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) to optimize the NIH grant review process for vascular biologists.  CSR has asked NAVBO to submit a list of investigators, at all levels (Assistant, Associate and Full Professors, as well as equivalent level investigators at research institutions) that are funded by NIH and are willing to serve on study section on an ad hoc basis initially, and potentially as regular members.


We are asking qualified NAVBO members to "volunteer" to be included in this list of NAVBO-suggested grant reviewers that will be sent to CSR in order to show the commitment of NAVBO members to peer review as well as the incredible expertise of our membership. Information about this process is available on the CSR web site.


If you are willing to volunteer in this capacity, please complete this form by May 31.  Responses will be compiled and reviewed by members of the NAVBO Council.

Register for Vascular Biology 2024

October 20-24, 2024 at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Monterey

We hope to see you at the annual meeting, Vascular Biology 2024, this October in beautiful Asilomar!  The 2023 meeting was a huge success featuring all four themes from our traditional workshops.  This year will be the same with an additional general session on Vascular Malformations, co-sponsored by the Sturge-Weber Foundation, and a session on HHT sponsored by Cure HHT.  The Microcirculatory Society is once again joining us. 

In addition, we are very excited to welcome Dr. William Sessa, Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, Pfizer Inc., as our Keynote Speaker.  His lecture is entitled, Endothelium at the interface of lipid metabolism and vascular function.  We will then end the meeting with more on Metabolism, a session featuring Drs. Joseph Loscalzo, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Dionna Kasper, Dartmouth College; Yajaira Suarez, Yale School of Medicine; and Kristen Zuloaga, Albany Medical College.  Plan to stay through the end - Thursday, October 24 at 1:00pm.   


In addition to our outstanding scientific sessions, we are sponsoring the Pre-conference Meeting for Trainees, two workshops on DEI, and two career development sessions.  We'll have Nano-Talks, three nights of Poster Sessions with poster discussions lead by postdocs, and we're bring back our Networking 101 session for those new to the meeting and/or NAVBO.


Registration is open and we are accepting abstracts.  Travel Awards are available for NAVBO and MCS trainee members, more information is available on our web site.


Super Early Bird Deadline - June 30, 2024

Abstracts due August 1


The full program is on our web site -

Special Thanks to Vascular Biology 2024 Supporters

Submit a Proposal for a Symposium

NAVBO Regular Members are invited to submit a proposal for consideration as an Online Symposium. Our goals in this regard are two-fold: to bring additional, timely and member-initiated topics to the vascular biology community and to promote diversity, equity and inclusion.


Symposia are held on the third Tuesday of the month (except October) from 1:00-2:30pmET with usually three speakers, each giving a 20-minute presentation followed by a Q&A. It is very important that the speakers represent the diverse vascular biology community.  Speakers do not need to be NAVBO members.   Currently seeking a proposal for our August symposium.

Criteria: The symposium organizer must be a Regular Member of NAVBO in good standing and complete this form.  

Lab of the Month

Month - May 2024

The Lab of Dr. Sharon Gerecht 

This month we are highlighting the lab of Dr. Sharon Gerecht, Professor at Duke University. Find out more about her lab by visiting her page in our Lab of the Month listing.

Fundamental Papers

The NAVBO Education Committee requests your assistance in maintaining our listing of Fundamental Papers in Vascular Biology found on our web site.


This is a valuable resource for trainees and others who visit our site. Periodically these listings are updated, and it is now time to repeat this process. If you are supervising trainees or currently teaching vascular biology and related courses, whether graduate or undergraduate, please complete the form at this link to recommend papers you think should be included in our list. Please complete a new form for each paper you suggest.

Vascular Crosstalk - New Episode

Tune into our newest episode featuring our guest, Mahdi Garelnabi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Biomedical & Nutritional Sciences, as well as Director, ADVANCE Office for Faculty Equity & Resilience; Director, Core Lab, Center for Population Health at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.  Dr. Garelnabi is the Chair of the NAVBO Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. This also episode marks the debut of our new host, Mitzy Cowdin, UT Southwestern Medical Center.  

Listen on your device and add Vascular Crosstalk to your library.  You can also click here and listen on your computer.

Travel Award Opportunity

Travel Awards to GRC for NAVBO Trainee Members
NAVBO is offering our trainee members a travel award to the upcoming Gordon Research Conference on  Endothelial Cell Heterogeneity in Vascular Development, Disease and Homeostasis (June 30 - July 5, 2024  - award applications are due June 2).  For more information click on the "Travel Award - Other" tab on our Trainee Awards web page.

Did You Know?

"Did You Know?" is provided by the NAVBO Membership Committee

IVBM 2024 -  Register Soon

Spotlight on Trainees

Effective supervision by life science faculty as a key to diversifying the academic workforce

Writing in the Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education in 2020, Clement et al. argue that mentoring of trainees by life science faculty at research-intensive institutions include explicit focus on three essential roles: advisor, educator, and supervisor. The authors pay particular attention to the often-misunderstood role of faculty member as a supervisor and highlight the negative impact of neglectful or hostile supervision on the diversity of workforce and research quality overall. Plans are included for research mentors who aim to adopt more inclusive and effective supervisory in their laboratories. 


Also available for students is free membership in NAVBO through our Advancing Young Voices through Diversity and InclusionClick here to apply or share this link with students.

Member News

Welcome to our New Members:

Stuti Agarwal, Stanford University

Christian Andrade Herrera, University of California, Irvine

Victor Assis, University of Sao Paulo Medical School

Marina Augusto Heuschkel, Brigham and Women's Hospital - Harvard Medical School

Chayan Bhattacharya, Wayne State University

Allison Gabbert, BIDMC

Shreya Gupta, NEOMED

Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, Stanford University

Melanie Holmgren, University of Utah

Jessica Leite Garcia, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Yun Liu, Northwestern University

Pieter Maene, KU Leuven

Kristopher Maier, Loyola University

Naseeb Malhi, City of Hope

Hadi Nia, Boston University

Charles Norton III, University of Missouri

Bruno Péault, University of California, Los Angeles

Jessica Plavicki, Brown University

Fatima Sanchis Calleja, Harvard University

Brian Sansbury, University of Louisville

Hong Shi, Augusta University Medical Center 

Claire Sissons, The University of Maryland at College Park

José Teles de Oliveira Neto, University of Sao Paulo

Amarylis Wanschel, High Point University

Bingruo Wu, The University of Chicago

Josue Zambrano-Carrasco, Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University

Gan Zhao, University of Pennsylvania

NAVBO Meetings and Events

Keep up to date on NAVBO happenings through the Calendar of Events

Registration open!

Click on the image to go to the web page.

Recent Member Publications

The disruptive role of LRG1 on the vasculature and perivascular microenvironment

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine

The establishment of new blood vessels, and their subsequent stabilization, is a critical process that facilitates tissue growth and organ development. Once established, vessels need to diversify to meet the specific needs of the local tissue and to maintain homeostasis. These processes are tightly regulated and fundamental to normal vessel and tissue function.  Read More


If you recently published a paper and would like to have it included in a future issue of the NAVBO NewsBEAT and/or on our web site.  Please send the citation to

Industry News

Application open for 2024 NOMIS & Science Young Explorer Award  

The NOMIS & Science Young Explorer Award recognizes and rewards early-career M.D., Ph.D., or M.D./Ph.D. scientists who perform research at the intersection of the social and life sciences. Essays from applicants describing their recent work are judged for clarity, scientific quality, creativity, and demonstration of cross-disciplinary approaches to address fundamental questions. A cash prize of up to US $15,000 will be awarded to essay winners, and their essays will be published in Science. Winners will also be invited to share their work with leading scientists in their respective fields at an award ceremony. Applications are due by May 15, 2024. See for additional information.


Does grant success rate track with the NIH budget?

From the NIH Extramural Nexus: Periods of steady NIH budget increases are not always accompanied by increased research project grant success rate. While inflation plays a role, the more fundamental forces at play are explored in a Service Science publication by Larson et al. In a nutshell, NIH funding dynamics are strongly affected by obligations incurred by grant awards made in previous years –“out-year obligations” – and by responses of the research community to NIH budget increases. As each fiscal year starts, a significant percentage of the agency’s budget is already committed to support ongoing awards awaiting expected non-competing renewals; only a fraction of the budget is available for new competing awards…the numerator of the success rate.


National Academies report available on 2023 US/UK data sharing forum

Suitable use of data of myriad sorts are regarded as key to addressing many of today's greatest problems, including climate change, the threat of future global pandemics, and personalized medicine. Access to said data is obviously crucial. Over time, data have become increasingly voluminous, complex, heterogeneous, and difficult to share. Groups that generate data may be reluctant to share them for a variety of professional, personal, financial, regulatory, and statutory reasons. A 2023 US-UK Scientific Forum on Researcher Access to Data examined the constellation of issues surrounding researchers' access to data and best practices gleaned from exemplary disciplines; a summarizing report may be found here.

NAVBO Corporate Partners

NAVBO Corporate Members

Summer Programs

Cardiovascular Disease Comorbidities, Genetics and Epidemiology

June 21-27, 2024 (Virtual 10am - 3pm CT)
July 7 -13, 2024 (In Person)
7/22, 7/24, 7/26, 8/5, 8/7, & 8/9 (Virtual 10am - 2pm CT)
Dates and Times subject to change


“PRIDE mentorship provided the foundation to build my work, allowed me to think outside the box, and provided an opportunity to build lasting collaborations with PRIDE cohorts and mentors, and to jointly publish and write grants. PRIDE provides an amazingly enriching experience and I strongly recommend it.”  –  PRIDE Mentee, 2008


This NHLBI-funded “Programs for Inclusion and Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research” support junior faculty underrepresented in biomedical research. 


Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri

MPI’s:  Victor Davila-Roman, MD, Lisa de las Fuentes, MD, MS and DC Rao, PhD

Program Administrator:  Linda Schreier, BS (


Space is limited for the mentored program starting summer 2024.  Apply early!

Calls for Papers/Proposals

Special Issue
JournalEditors Submission Deadline
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine Masanori AikawaMay 20, 2024

Calendar of Events

Job Postings


North American Vascular Biology Organization
18501 Kingshill Road
Germantown, MD 20874-2211
(301) 760-7745

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