Lymphatic Forum 2023 - Abstract Submission Form

The Lymphatic Forum is co-sponsored by the North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO) and the Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN)

The abstract submission deadline is March 15, 2023

Please follow the instructions in each section for your abstract submission.

If you are also applying for a Travel Award (trainee members only), be sure to complete the last section of this form. If you are not a member, consider joining LE&RN or NAVBO to be eligible for an award.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Submitter Information
Submitters are the corresponding authors. All emails will be sent to the submitter.

Enter the information about the presenter in this section. If you are also the submitter, reenter your information here. Presenters are expected to register for the meeting in a timely manner, and are responsible for their own expenses related to attending the meeting.

What is the presenter's title within their department (Assistant Professor, Postdoctoral Fellow, etc.)

This is the department or division within the presenter's institution.

This is the street address.

We appreciate your willingness to share this information, which is used for our internal records and aggregate information only.  This is completely optional. Please check all that apply.

Black/African American
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
First Generation College Attendee
Prefer Not to Respond

If you are a trainee (student or postdoc), you must name your PI.

If you are a trainee, you must give us your PI's email address.

Topics and Presentation
Choose your first and second choices for topics. Most topics reflect an oral session in the program. Abstracts not chosen for oral presentation will be programmed as posters.

Please indicate your first choice topic.

Indicate your second choice topic. Please do not repeat your first choice.

There are a limited number of slots for oral presentation.  Selecting oral as your preference does not guarantee an oral presentation.  Those not selected for oral will be given a poster presentation.

If you select poster presentation, you will be given a poster presentation.

The meeting organizers reserve the right to reject any abstract. 

Please indicate if you would like to be considered for co-chair of the Young Investigator Session on Friday, June 16 at 4:45pm.  You must be a student or postdoc to be considered.

Indicate if you would like your abstract to be considered for a presentation within the Young Investigator Session?

Upload a Word document of your abstract. Please conform to the requested format for title, authors and text.

Include up to eight keywords separated by a comma (do not exceed 240 characters). These keywords will be used by reviewers and meeting organizers.

In 100 characters, provide three key ideas that convey the focus of your abstract. Use one field for each key idea.

Key ideas will be published on the web site. The full abstract text will only be available within the mobile event app.

The title of your abstract cannot exceed 250 characters (including spaces and punctuation).  Titles should be in sentence format - First letter of the first word of the abstract should be uppercase, all other words, unless an acronym or proper noun, should be lowercase.

Create your abstract in Word and upload it here.  

Title - bold, Arial 11pt

Authors and their affiliations - italics, Arial 9pt; underline the presenting author

Text - normal, Arial 10pt - limit of 1,750 characters (includes spaces and punctuation)

Click here to see a sample abstract.

20MB max
Travel Award for Students and Postdoctoral Fellows
The Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN) and the North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO) are offering Travel Awards for young investigators (PhD students, medical students and postdocs), who are members of LE&RN or NAVBO to defray registration and travel costs associated with attending the Lymphatic Forum 2023. If you are not a member of either society, consider joining LE&RN or NAVBO to be eligible (links at the top of this form).

Please note you must be a young investigator (student, resident or postdoctoral fellow) to be eligible for this award.


  • be actively enrolled in a doctoral or pre-doctoral program, residency or accredited program of postdoctoral graduate education in the biomedical sciences
  • provide a blog post summarizing the meeting and your experience at the event
  • be a member of LE&RN or NAVBO 
  • reside more than 25 miles from the conference

If you are not eligible to apply, simply click on submit at this point.

Please upload a pdf of your CV or your NIH biosketch.

20MB max