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Member Application


Please complete this application - or if you prefer to mail in your membership application, you can dowload the form here.

Trainee Members are undergraduate* and graduate students, medical students, residents, postdoctoral fellows and technicians.  Candidates for trainee membership are required to submit their CV and a letter from their supervisor attesting to their status.  These documents should be in a pdf format and uploaded into this application.
*Undergraduates are eligible for reduced membership dues.

Regular Members hold an advanced degree or have professional experience in the field and are research, non-tenure and tenure track faculty and equivalent titles, and non-resident physicians.
Candidates for regular membership must upload a pdf version of their CV.

The current annual dues are $145US for regular membership and $55US for graduate, PhD students and Technologists/Technicians, and $60 for postdoctoral fellows (undergraduates pay only $25US) - there is a $5 processing fee for all credit card transactions and the total is reflected in the price listed below.

If you are eligible for our Advancing Young Voices Program, please see the information on our web site or complete the membership application found here.

Important Instructions:
Please put your Department in the first Address line and your street address on the second line.
Title is your position within your institution - Assistant Professor, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, etc.

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