Presentations will include:
"Using a Myh11-CreERT2 knockout mouse model to determine DDR1 influence on smooth muscle cell function in atherosclerosis"
Mary-Jo Hatem, University of Toronto
"Characterisation of the phenotypic modulation of smooth muscle cells in a novel human cell co-culture model to study disease progression and identify therapeutic targets"
Liliana Som, University of Oxford
"Investigating the role of DDR1 in the alveolar epithelium and associated pathologies"
Ayla Shahid, University of Toronto
"The Role of collagen Col22a1 in Intracranial Aneurysms and Vascular Stability"
Vishal Mardhekar, University of South Florida
This InFocus Session is sponsored by the NAVBO Online Program Committee and organized by Abhijnan Chattopadhyay, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston