NAVBO Symposium: Capillary malformations driven by somatic mutations: Deciphering endothelial Gαq signalling in Sturge Weber Syndrome
Joyce Bischoff PhD, Boston Children’s Hospital
Clinical Introduction - Sturge Weber syndrome: New approach to an old disease
Anna Pinto MD PhD, Director of Sturge-Weber Clinic, Department of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital
Endothelial Gq protein-coupled receptor activity controls brain blood flow
Osama Harraz PhD, Department of Pharmacology, University of Vermont
Targeting the Gαq signaling network in cancer: What have we learned? How can we apply it to SWS?
J. Silvio Gutkind PhD, Department of Pharmacology and Moores Cancer Center, UC San Diego
Developing a zebrafish model of Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Nathan Lawson PhD, Dept. of Molecular, Cell, and Cancer Biology, UMass Chan Medical School
NAVBO Online Programming Committee Organizer: Mandy Turner PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Co-Organizer: Sana Nasim PhD, Boston Children’s Hospital
Co-Sponsored by: The Sturge-Weber Foundation