5th Annual Gulf Coast Vascular Research Consortium (GVRC)

5th Annual Gulf Coast Vascular Research Consortium (GVRC)
8/4/2023 - 8/5/2023
5th Annual Gulf Coast Vascular Research Consortium (GVRC)
Meeting Registration:
Registration ($50) is open. Use the QR code shown on the flyer or click here.
Abstract submission:
Submit an abstract of 250 words or less to gvrc.tamu@gmail.com with the following: Title, authors, affiliations, and presenting author career stage to determine travel award eligibility.
Meeting Location:
The meeting will be held in the Statesman Ballroom of The George Hotel near the Texas A&M campus at Century Square (https://www.century-square.com/).
Hotel accommodations (pet-friendly): Cavalry Court ($129/night)
Visit the hotel's website at www.cavalrycourt.com
From this page, click on "Book Now" in the top right-hand corner of the page.
Select arrival and departure dates (August 3-5) and change the "promo code" drop down box to "group/block".
The Group Code is: TGCVRC911. Once the code and dates have been entered, available rooms will be visible.
Guests can call reservations at 1-844-313-7337 @Cavalry Court reference the group code (TGCVRC911) or meeting name (Gulf Coast Vascular Research Consortium) to book a room if you prefer this method.
Send questions to: gvrc.tamu@gmail.com
College Station, TX United States
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