InFocus - Microcirculation
InFocus - Microcirculation
Thursday, September 8, 2022 (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM) (EDT)
Moderated by: Julie Leonard-Duke, University of Virginia
Presentations include:
Cell-free hemoglobin-oxidized LDL axis contributes to microvascular endothelial barrier dysfunction and poor outcomes during sepsis
Jamie E. Meegan, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Endothelial Regulation of Microvascular Permeability and Stability by VEGF and Ang-Tie Signaling Pathways: A Mechanistic Computational Systems Biology Model
Yu Zhang, Johns Hopkins University
Incorporation of Tumor Spheroids into an ex-vivo Tissue Culture Model for Investigating Cancer Cell–Microvascular Interactions
Arinola O. Lampejo, University of Florida
InFocus Sessions are sponsored by the NAVBO Online Programming Committee
This session will NOT be recorded.
Bernadette Englert
NAVBO Online