Webinar with IVBM Speakers Gwendalyn Randolph and Amreen Mughal
Webinar with IVBM Speakers Gwendalyn Randolph and Amreen Mughal
Thursday, June 1, 2023 (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM) (EDT)
Join us as Dr. Gwendalyn Randolph, Washington University at St. Louis and Dr. Amreen Mughal present their lectures featured at the 22nd International Vascular Biology Meeting.
Dr. Randolph will discuss "Ileitis-induced tertiary lymphoid tissue that obstructs lymphatic outflow from the intestine." Abstract: This talk will describe our findings that the lymphatic valve remodels to facilitate tertiary lymphoid tissue to develop that in turn obstructs communication between the intestine and the draining lymph nodes.
Dr. Mughal will present "Electro-Calcium coupling- A higher order mechanism in the brain endothelium "Abstract: This talk will focus on the cross talk between electrical and calcium signaling in regulation of blood flow in the brain.
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Webinar Series